Ex Parte RAJSKI et al - Page 7

              Appeal No. 2001-2425                                                                                          
              Application No. 09/276,474                                                                                    

              rationale...” (Paper No. 5-page 5).  Clearly, whatever rationale was applied by the                           
              examiner against claims 8 and 15-28 is not appropriate for claims 35-51 since these                           
              claims (claim 35, for example) are completely different from claims 8 and 15.  Thus, the                      
              examiner erroneously lumped claims 35-51 together with claims 8 and 15-28.  Although                          
              claims 35-51 are nothing like claims 8 and 15, because the examiner grouped them all                          
              together, we have nothing from the examiner indicating any basis whatsoever for                               
              rejecting claims 35-51 over Bullinger.                                                                        
                     Even though appellants present no arguments regarding the specifics, for                               
              example, of independent claim 35, we will not sustain the rejection of this claim, or any                     
              of claims 35-51, under 35 U.S.C. § 103 because the examiner has quite clearly failed to                       
              establish a prima facie, or any, case of obviousness with regard to the subject matter of                     
              these claims.  This is not to say that there would be no rationale under which these                          
              claims may have been properly rejected in view of Bullinger.  We do not know.  We                             
              simply assert that, whatever case might have been made, the examiner has, quite                               
              clearly, not made it.                                                                                         
                     We have not sustained the rejection of claims 8-28 under 35 U.S.C. § 103                               
              because we are not convinced that Bullinger suggests that the same data paths are                             
              used in both the normal and test modes of operation.                                                          


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