Ex Parte RAJSKI et al - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2001-2425                                                                                          
              Application No. 09/276,474                                                                                    

              registers, multiplexers, and decoders in conjunction with existing buses to provide test                      
              access” [abstract].  Accordingly, Bullinger is not employing the same elements, or data                       
              paths, to provide both normal and test modes of operation.                                                    
                     Independent claims 8, 15, 22, 24, 26 and 28 all require that the same data paths                       
              are used in both the normal and test modes of operation.  While appellants group the                          
              claims into two groups and argue only independent claims 8 and 15, it does not appear                         
              that these arguments are directed to independent claims 35, 41, 47 and 49, and the                            
              claims dependent thereon, which do not recite that the same data paths are used for                           
              both a normal and test mode of operation.  While appellants grouped the appealed                              
              claims into two groups, choosing claims 8 and 15 as representative of these groups, we                        
              are not bound to appellants’ selection of representative claims.  We could have chosen                        
              claim independent 35, for example, which is broader, in some aspects, than                                    
              independent claim 8.  Claim 35 contains limitations which were not argued by                                  
              appellants and, had the examiner presented a prima facie case of obviousness with                             
              regard to claim 35, for example, it would have been proper for us to sustain such a                           
              rejection in the face of appellants’ lack of any argument with regard to this claim.                          
                     However, the examiner’s position is that as to “claims 35-51, they fail to                             
              distinguish over rejected claims 8, 15-28, accordingly, they are rejected under the same                      


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