Ex Parte CHAN - Page 5

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                          Page 5               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

             surface for engagement by the vacuum-suction nozzle.  Consequently, Seto provides a                
             cover 14 which is slidably mounted onto connector 12 in the direction of arrow "A".  The           
             cover does present a generally planar, smooth surface 16 for engagement by the                     
             vacuum-suction nozzle.                                                                             

                   Referring to Figures 1, 3 and 4 of Seto, electrical connector 12 includes a                  
             dielectric housing 18, which includes a bottom surface 20 adapted to be positioned                 
             adjacent the mounting surface of the electrical apparatus, such as on the top surface of           
             a printed circuit board.  Housing 18 also includes a top surface 22 opposite bottom                
             surface 20 and a pair of side wall means 24 extend between surfaces 20 and 22.  The                
             side wall means include first and second downwardly facing shoulders or surfaces 26                
             and 28, respectively, which facilitate slidably mounting cover 14 onto connector 12.               

                   Referring to Figures 1 and 8-10 of Seto, cover 14 has a pair of forward and outer            
             side walls 40 and a pair of rearward and inner side walls 42.1  In other words, as best            
             seen in Figure 8, side walls 40 are located outward of side walls 42.  Side walls 40 of            
             cover 14 have inwardly directed flanges 40a defining upwardly facing shoulders or                  
             surfaces 40b.  Side walls 42 have inwardly directed flanges 42a defining upwardly                  

                   1 "Forward" and "rearward" are meant to refer to the direction of arrow "A" (Figure 1) which is the
             mounting direction of the cover 14 onto connector 12. "Outward" and "inward" are meant to refer to the
             relative dispositions of side walls 40 and 42 laterally of the mounting direction.                 

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