Ex Parte CHAN - Page 11

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                         Page 11               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

                   applied to selected portions 102 of the circuit board 100 is melted to solder the            
                   solder tail portions 11a of the connector terminals 11 to the circuit board 100.             

                   The appellant argues (brief, pp. 9-10) that claims 1 and 5 are not anticipated by            
             Ikesugi because (1) Ikesugi does not teach the "frictionally attaching" step of claim 1;           
             and (2) the present invention relies exclusively on frictional attachment.  We find this           
             argument unpersuasive for the following two reasons.                                               

                   First, the "frictionally attaching" step of claim 1 is readable on Ikesugi.  In that         
             regard, Ikesugi's connector placement member 1 is removable and temporary attached                 
             to the electrical connector 2.  When so attached (see Figure 6 of Ikesugi), the resilient          
             engagement legs 6 frictionally engage along a length of at least two sides of the                  
             electrical connector 2 and the auxiliary engagement legs 9 frictionally engage along a             
             length of at least two sides of the electrical connector 2 all without the use of an               
             adhesive.  In addition, the gripping portions 112 of the first engagement legs 6                   
             frictionally engage recesses 4c in the sidewalls 4.  The frictionally interengagement of           
             the resilient engagement legs 6 and the auxiliary engagement legs 9 with the connector             
             sidewalls 4 (see Figure 6 of Ikesugi) clearly is the mechanism by which Ikesugi's                  
             connector placement member 1 is removable and temporary attached to the electrical                 
             connector 2 and thus the "frictionally attaching" step of claim 1 is readable on Ikesugi.          

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