Ex Parte CHAN - Page 10

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                         Page 10               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

                   The auxiliary legs 9 may be formed in a number of manners.  It may be formed                 
             by bending a selected extension 9 which is segregated from and punched out of the                  
             main engagement leg 6 (Figure 7).  When formed, the lateral distance between the                   
             outer surfaces 9b of the opposite auxiliary legs 9 is equal to the lateral distance U              
             (Figure 6) between the inner surfaces 4b of the connector sidewalls 4.  In order to                
             facilitate the insertion of the connector sidewalls 4 into the intervening space 12, each          
             auxiliary leg 9 may be equipped with an inwardly-bent end 9a which reduces the                     
             likelihood of snagging the placement cover auxiliary support legs 9 on the inner                   
             surfaces 4b of the connector sidewalls 4.                                                          

                   Ikesugi teaches (column 5, line 65, to column 6, line 20) that                               
                          [i]n use, the placement cover 1 is attached to an electric connector 2 by             
                   pushing it against the top of the electric connector 2 until the main engagement             
                   legs 6 ride down the connector sidewall outer surface 4a until their gripping                
                   portions 112 effectively catch in the sidewall recesses 4c. Simultaneously, the              
                   auxiliary engagement legs 9 ride down along the connector sidewall surface 4b                
                   until the sidewall 4 is effectively sandwiched therebetween. The cover plate 8               
                   thereupon lies upon the connector insertion slot 10 of the connector 2. Inasmuch             
                   as the auxiliary support legs 9 extend along the interior 4b of the connector                
                   sidewalls 4, each such sidewall 4 is thereby supported by the engagement legs 9              
                   against the forces applied by the main engagement legs 6 of the collector                    
                   placement cover 1.                                                                           
                          When carrying the electric connector 2 to a printed circuit board, the                
                   placement member 1 is picked up applying a negative pressure to the flat top                 
                   surface 7 of the placement cover 1, and then the placement cover-connector                   
                   assembly is transferred to the printed circuit board 100. Then, the                          
                   connector-board assembly are passed through a reflow vessel, in which solder                 

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