Ex Parte CHAN - Page 9

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                          Page 9               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

             from the cover plate 8 to form a general U-shaped structure.  The engagement legs 6                
             may be considered as comprising two distinct sets of legs which engage the connector               
             2.  One set, a first set of first engagement legs 6, may include gripping portions 112 at          
             their lower ends 114 which may further extend slightly inwardly.  Each connector                   
             sidewall 4 has recesses 4c disposed in its outer surface 4a which receive the gripping             
             portions 112 of the engagement legs 6.  The main engagement legs 6 are formed near                 
             the corners of the cover plate 8 with a spacing between opposing aligned legs which is             
             slightly less than the width W (Figure 6) of the connector housing 2 so as to create a             
             slight inward bias to resiliently engage the connector sidewalls 4 in a manner in which            
             the sidewalls 4 are sandwiched therebetween.                                                       

                   In order to resist any deformation which may be induced in the connector                     
             sidewalls 4 by virtue of the inwardly directed forces exerted thereupon by the main                
             engagement legs 6, Ikesugi includes a second set of auxiliary engagement legs 9 which              
             depend downwardly from the cover plate 8 and primarily provide support for the                     
             connector sidewalls 4.  Each of the auxiliary support legs 9 is preferably aligned with            
             and spaced part from a corresponding main engagement leg 6 so as to create an                      
             intervening space 12 therebetween which is generally aligned with the longitudinal axes            
             of each connector sidewall 4.  These spaces, 12 as seen in Figure 6, receive and                   
             support the connector sidewalls 4 therein from the interior along their inner surfaces 4b.         

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