Ex Parte CHAN - Page 8

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                          Page 8               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

             provides a support for vacuum attachment to the connectors and which provides                      
             support to the connector walls during the soldering thereof to a circuit board.                    

                   As shown in Figures 5 and 6,  a connector placement member 1 is attached to                  
             an electrical connector 2 to provide a substantially planar, or flat, surface to the               
             electrical connector 2 when attached thereto.  The electrical connector 2 includes a               
             rectangular housing 3 formed from an insulative material.  The connector housing 3 has             
             a pair of opposing longitudinal sidewalls 4 which define a slot 10 therebetween which is           
             intended to receive a mating electric connector therein.                                           

                   The connector placement member 1 is best shown in Figures 1-4 and includes a                 
             cover plate 8 having a flat top surface 7 which is engaged by a transfer or placement              
             mechanism in which typically has an internal port communicating with a source of                   
             negative air pressure.  Once attached, the connector may be transferred from a supply              
             source (not shown) to another electronic assembly component, typically a circuit board             
             100 (Figure 6).  The connector placement member 1 remains in place upon the                        
             connector until after the connector is joined to the circuit board.                                

                   The connector placement member 1 also includes pairs of resilient engagement                 
             legs 6 joined to the ends of the cover plate 8 at the corners thereof.  The legs 6 depend          

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