Ex Parte CHAN - Page 7

             Appeal No. 2002-2118                                                          Page 7               
             Application No. 09/010,614                                                                         

             Seto does teach that the cover 14 is slidably mounted onto connector 12 in the direction           
             of arrow "A" (Figure 1) and that the upwardly facing surfaces 40b and 42b of inwardly              
             directed flanges 40a and 42a of the cover 14 frictionally engage/contact the downwardly            
             facing surfaces 26 and 28 of the connector 12 during movement of the combined                      
             connector-cover package by a vacuum-suction nozzle.  However, it is our opinion that               
             such frictionally engagement or contact between the upwardly facing surfaces 40b and               
             42b of cover 14 and the downwardly facing surfaces 26 and 28 of connector 12 does                  
             not constitute frictionally attaching the cover along the length of at least two sides of the      
             connector.  Accordingly, the "frictionally attaching" step of claim 1 is not readable on           

                   For the reasons set forth above, the decision of the examiner to reject claim 1              
             and claim 5 dependent thereon under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) is reversed.                                

             The anticipation rejection based on Ikesugi                                                        
                   We sustain the rejection of claims 1 and 5 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being                 
             anticipated by Ikesugi.                                                                            

                   Ikesugi's invention relates generally to electrical connectors, and more                     
             particularly, to a vacuum placement member associated with such connectors which                   

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