Ex Parte KALTER et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2003-2137                                                        
          Application No. 09/236,183                                                  

          level, and final removal of the passivation and sacrificial metal           
          layers after testing (Brief, pages 2-3).1                                   
               According to appellants, all of the claims stand or fall               
          together (Brief, page 4).  Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions          
          of 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7)(2000), we select claim 4 from the grouping          
          of claims and decide the ground of rejection in this appeal on the          
          basis of this claim alone.  Representative independent claim 4 is           
          reproduced below:2                                                          
               4.  A method of [sic, testing] integrated circuit chips,               
          comprising the steps of:                                                    
               forming an insulating layer over an integrated circuit chip;           
               selectively opening at least one area over existing vias;              
               forming a test circuit in kerf areas adjacent to the chip              
          prior to separating the chip from other chips formed on a                   
          semiconductor wafer;                                                        
               depositing a sacrificial metal layer over the insulating               
          layer and filling the at least one selectively opened area, the             
          sacrificial layer in direct contact with the integrated circuit             
               patterning the deposited sacrificial metal layer to form at            
          least one direct connection between the test circuit and an exposed         

               1We refer to the Brief filed June 3, 2002, Paper No. 14, as            
          reinstated by the Request dated Dec. 10, 2002, Paper No. 17.                
               2We note that the copy of claim 4 from the Appendix to                 
          appellants’ Brief is incorrect.                                             

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