Ex Parte KALTER et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2003-2137                                                        
          Application No. 09/236,183                                                  

               testing the integrated circuit chip with the test circuit;             
               removing substantially all of the sacrificial metal layer and          
          removing the insulating layer.                                              
               The examiner has relied upon the following references as               
          evidence of obviousness:                                                    
          Ahmad et al. (Ahmad)             5,483,175          Jan. 09, 1996           
          Beckenbaugh et al. (Beckenbaugh) 5,593,903          Jan. 14, 1997           
               The claims on appeal stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)           
          as unpatentable over Ahmad in combination with Beckenbaugh (Answer,         
          page 3).3  We reverse the examiner’s rejection essentially for the          
          reasons stated in the Brief and those reasons set forth below.              
               The examiner finds that Ahmad discloses test circuitry within          
          the chip area, forming conductive traces 21 and 22, and removing            
          the sacrificial metal layer 21 by a planarization technique                 
          (Answer, page 3).  The examiner recognizes that Ahmad does not              
          disclose providing test circuitry in kerf areas adjacent to                 
          the chip prior to separating the chip from other chips on the               
          semiconductor wafer, patterning the deposited sacrificial metal             
          layer to form at least one connection, and scribing the wafer in            

               3The examiner has withdrawn the final rejection of claims 4-           
          9 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶1 (Answer, page 3).                               

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