Ex Parte Lasson - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2004-0058                                                                                        
              Application No. 09/728,518                                                                                  

                     A claim is anticipated only if each and every element as set forth in the claim is                   
              found, either expressly or inherently described, in a single prior art reference.                           
              Verdegaal Bros. Inc. v. Union Oil Co., 814 F.2d 628, 631, 2 USPQ2d 1051, 1053 (Fed.                         
              Cir.), cert. denied, 484 U.S. 827 (1987).                                                                   

                     Claims 3 and 8, the independent claims on appeal, read as follows:                                   
                     3.     A method for potentiating an engine's power contribution to a hybrid                          
                     electric vehicle's performance in a take-off operating condition, the method                         
                     comprising the steps of                                                                              
                            initiating take-off acceleration of a hybrid electric vehicle exclusively                     
                     utilizing an electric motor of the vehicle;                                                          
                            predicting the future demand for an engine's power contribution to the                        
                     hybrid electric vehicle's immediate future power demand during take-off                              
                            starting the engine of the hybrid electric vehicle at the time that the                       
                     determination is made of future demand for the engine's power contribution                           
                     during the take-off acceleration; and                                                                
                            increasing the speed of operation of the engine as rapidly as                                 
                     predetermined operating efficiency parameters permit.                                                
                     8.     A method for potentiating an engine's power contribution to a hybrid                          
                     electric vehicle's performance in a take-off operating condition, the method                         
                     comprising the steps of                                                                              
                            initiating take-off acceleration of a hybrid electric vehicle exclusively                     
                     utilizing an electric motor of the vehicle;                                                          
                            predicting the future demand for an engine's power contribution to the                        
                     hybrid electric vehicle's immediate future power demand during take-off                              
                            starting the engine of the hybrid electric vehicle at the time that the                       
                     determination is made of future demand for the engine's power contribution                           
                     during the take-off acceleration; and                                                                
                            starting the engine at an engine speed below a resonance speed of a                           
                     drivetrain of the vehicle.                                                                           

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