Ex Parte Lasson - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2004-0058                                                                                        
              Application No. 09/728,518                                                                                  

                     the dashboard. This command will cause process controller 52 to automatically                        
                     operate the hybrid system in highway mode according to the logic shown in FIG.                       
                            In FIGS. 3, 4 and 5, all of which are flow charts, blocks framed with double                  
                     lines are manual operations performed by the driver, while blocks framed with                        
                     single lines are automatic operations performed by process controller 52.                            
                            As shown in FIG. 3, after the driver manually selects highway mode the                        
                     process controller 52 will ascertain that engine mode is not set, or cancel it if it is,             
                     and that the speed of motor 22 as sensed by speed monitor 56 is above 1000                           
                     RPM. It will then read the charge level of battery 24 as sensed by charge level                      
                     sensor 66. If the battery is above a selected level, for example 70%, the process                    
                     controller will stop the combustion engine 28 if it is running and disengage                         
                     electric clutch 30 if it is engaged. Optionally it may be preferred not to stop the                  
                     combustion engine but to slow it down to idle speed, and of course disengage                         
                     the electric clutch. The process controller 52 will direct the signal from the                       
                     accelerator potentiometer 80 to the motor controller 60. This will give the driver                   
                     direct control of the speed of motor 22, so that he or she may drive in the same                     
                     way as when using urban mode. The combustion engine will be shut off or idled,                       
                     the electric clutch will be disengaged, and the electric motor 22 will drive the car,                
                     powered by batteries 24.                                                                             
                            Every five minutes, or at some other selected time interval, the process                      
                     controller will read the battery charge and when it drops below the selected level,                  
                     which may be about 70%, the combustion engine 28 will be started if it is                            
                     stopped, or brought up to speed if it is idling. The process controller starts the                   
                     engine by opening solenoid fuel valve 48 and closing starter solenoid 42. Engine                     
                     starter 40 will crank the engine until it starts, which will be indicated when engine                
                     speed monitor 54 reads a selected speed, for example 500 RPM. Starter                                
                     solenoid 42 will then be opened and engine starter 40 will cease cranking. When                      
                     the engine is running, the process controller can control its speed by sending a                     
                     variable voltage speed signal to servo speed control 50. The process controller                      
                     52 can stop the engine 28 when that is desired by closing solenoid fuel valve 48.                    
                     It should be understood that a solenoid fuel valve is used as a means of stopping                    
                     a diesel engine, and that if some other type of engine were used, a different                        
                     control might be used. For example, an ignition switch might be used with a                          
                     gasoline engine.                                                                                     

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