Ex Parte Lasson - Page 11

              Appeal No. 2004-0058                                                                                        
              Application No. 09/728,518                                                                                  

              been started.  There is no basis from the disclosure of Field to conclude that the engine                   
              speed that occurs immediately after Field's engine has been started is below the                            
              resonance speed of the drivetrain of the vehicle.  Accordingly, claim 8 is not anticipated                  
              by Field.                                                                                                   

                     With respect to the step of increasing the speed of operation of the engine as                       
              rapidly as predetermined operating efficiency parameters permit (claim 3), the                              
              examiner's belief (answer, pp. 5-6) that Field's servo speed control 50 and process                         
              controller 52 will work as efficiently as possible and would not be programmed to be                        
              "inefficient" is pure speculation unsupported by any disclosure in Field.  There is no                      
              basis from the disclosure of Field to conclude that the speed of operation of the engine                    
              is increased as rapidly as predetermined operating efficiency parameters permit.                            
              Accordingly, claim 3 is not anticipated by Field.                                                           

                     For the reasons set forth above, the decision of the examiner to reject claims 3                     
              and 8, and claims 4 to 7 dependent thereon, under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) is reversed.                           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007