Ex Parte Lasson - Page 4

              Appeal No. 2004-0058                                                                                        
              Application No. 09/728,518                                                                                  

                     Field's invention relates to a highly efficient electric hybrid propulsion system for                
              a vehicle, an electric hybrid propulsion system being one in which the vehicle is driven                    
              by an electric motor powered by batteries, the batteries being charged by a generator                       
              powered by a combustion engine.  In Field's invention there is an electric motor that is                    
              arranged to drive a vehicle, and there are batteries to power the motor.  There is a                        
              combustion engine and means for it to recharge the batteries.  However, there is no                         
              generator per se coupled to the engine.  Rather, the engine is releasably coupled                           
              mechanically to the electric motor so that the engine power may be selectively applied                      
              toward driving the vehicle mechanically through the motor.  When so coupled, and                            
              when operating conditions are such that less power is needed to propel the vehicle than                     
              the engine can develop, its excess power may be automatically applied to charge the                         
              batteries, using the electric motor as a generator.  When more propulsion power is                          
              needed than the engine can supply, means are provided whereby the electric motor                            
              working as a motor can supply the balance by drawing on the batteries.  This dual use                       
              of the electric motor as a motor and a generator eliminates the need for a separate                         
              generator coupled to the engine to charge the batteries, which saves weight and cost.                       
              The efficiency loss of a separate generator is thus avoided, which adds substantially to                    
              the efficiency of the system.                                                                               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007