Ex Parte Lasson - Page 5

              Appeal No. 2004-0058                                                                                        
              Application No. 09/728,518                                                                                  

                     Field's electric hybrid automobile has three operating modes; urban mode,                            
              highway mode and engine mode.  The manner of operation is described by Field                                
              (column 5, line 45, to column 8, line 31) as follows:                                                       
                                                    URBAN MODE                                                            
                            Urban mode uses a straight electric drive in which the batteries 24 power                     
                     the electric motor 22 which drives the automobile, and the combustion engine 28                      
                     is not running. Urban mode is used to start the car from a standstill and get it up                  
                     to highway speed. It is also useful for around town stop-and-go service. Driving is                  
                     done conventionally. The driver first turns on master switch 78, which powers up                     
                     the electric hybrid system. He or she then places the car in gear, using gear shift                  
                     lever 18, foot operated clutch 20 and 4-speed transmission 16. There is a                            
                     conventional foot accelerator pedal connected to accelerator potentiometer 80.                       
                     Depressing the pedal directs a variable voltage from zero to 10 volts from the                       
                     accelerator potentiometer 80 through the process controller 52 to the motor                          
                     controller 60. The more the pedal is depressed the higher the voltage will be up                     
                     to the 10-volt limit. This variable voltage causes motor controller 60 to feed a                     
                     proportionate supply of current to electric motor 22 so that the car moves                           
                     smoothly at a speed commanded by the driver. Forward and reverse are                                 
                     obtained in conventional automotive manner by shifting gears in transmission 16.                     
                     When the car is moving and the driver takes his or her foot off the accelerator                      
                     pedal the motor controller 60 will stop feeding current to motor 22. The still                       
                     spinning motor will act like a generator and feed current back to the batteries 24,                  
                     consuming some kinetic energy in so doing, which will tend to slow down the car.                     
                     This so-called regenerative braking is well known. A flywheel 26 is attached to                      
                     the shaft of motor 22 to maintains its angular momentum so it will not slow down                     
                     too abruptly due to this dynamic braking.                                                            
                            Urban mode provides a convenient, virtually silent and essentially                            
                     pollution free manner of operation. However, the range of the automobile will be                     
                     limited by the capacity of the batteries 24. For cross country operation a greater                   
                     range is needed, and this may be obtained by operating in highway mode or                            
                     engine mode. Highway mode will be discussed next.                                                    
                                                  HIGHWAY MODE                                                            
                            After the car has been started in urban mode and brought up to some                           
                     speed, for example 1000 RPM on the electric motor 22, the driver may elect to                        
                     enter highway mode. This is done by pushing the "highway mode" button 82 on                          

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