Ex Parte MAEDA et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1999-1066                                                        
          Application No. 08/756,440                                                  

          and at least one silicon-containing polyimide precursor wherein,            
          upon exposure of the composition to light, the acid generating              
          compound generates acid, which causes a silane at the end of at             
          least one polyimide precursor to undergo a siloxane condensation            
          reaction and a subsequent intermolecular cross-linking reaction             
          with another silane.  This appealed subject matter is adequately            
          represented by independent claim 21, a copy of which taken from             
          the appellants’ brief is attached hereto.                                   
               The references set forth below are relied upon by the                  
          examiner as evidence of obviousness:                                        
          Kunimune et al. (Kunimune ‘238)    4,656,238      Apr.  7, 1987             
          Shoji et al. (Shoji)               4,748,228      May  31, 1988             
          Kunimune et al. (Kunimune ‘806)    4,818,806      Apr.  4, 1989             
          Aoai et al. (Aoai)                 4,904,563      Feb. 27, 1990             
          Katou et al. (Katou)               5,342,739      Aug. 30, 1994             
                                   (effective filing date Sep.  3, 1992)              
          Kunimune et al. (Kunimune ‘024)    5,442,024      Aug. 15, 1995             
                                             (filed Apr. 26, 1994)                    
          Hayase et al. (Hayase)(JP)1        4-120171       Apr. 21, 1992             
               All of the appealed claims are rejected under the first                
          paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 as containing subject matter which             
          was not described in the specification in such a way as to                  

               1 Our understanding of this reference is gleaned from the              
          English translation thereof which is of record.  Further, our               
          referrals in this opinion to specific portions of the Hayase                
          reference are with respect to the translation.                              

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