Ex Parte MAEDA et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1999-1066                                                        
          Application No. 08/756,440                                                  

          reasonably convey to one skilled in the art that the inventors,             
          at the time the application was filed, had possession of the                
          claimed invention.                                                          
               Claims 7, 9, 11-19, 21-24 and 28 are rejected under 35                 
          U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Hayase in view of                
          Katou, and various appealed claims are correspondingly rejected             
          as being unpatentable over these references and further in view             
          of the other previously mentioned references.                               
               For a complete exposition of the opposing viewpoints                   
          expressed by the appellants and by the examiner concerning the              
          above noted rejections, we refer to the several principal and               
          reply briefs and to the several principal and supplemental                  
          answers of record.                                                          
               For the reasons which follow, we cannot sustain any of these           
               The section 112, first paragraph, rejection                            
               According to the examiner, “[t]he addition of the phrase               
          ‘wherein, upon exposure of said composition to light, the acid              
          generating compound generates acid, which causes a silane at the            
          end of at least one polyimide precursor to undergo a siloxane               
          condensation reaction and a subsequent intermolecular                       


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