Ex Parte MAEDA et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1999-1066                                                        
          Application No. 08/756,440                                                  

          Katou contains any teaching or suggestion of the siloxane                   
          condensation reaction and subsequent intermolecular cross-linking           
          reaction which the appellants’ claimed composition is required to           
               These circumstances persuade us that the examiner has failed           
          to carry her burden of establishing a prima facie case of                   
          obviousness.  It follows that we cannot sustain the section 103             
          rejection based on Hayase in view of Katou.  We also cannot                 
          sustain the remaining section 103 rejections advanced by the                
          examiner on this appeal because (as correctly argued by the                 
          appellants and not disputed by the examiner) the additional                 
          references applied therein do not supply the above discussed                
          deficiencies of Hayase and Katou.                                           


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