Ex Parte MAEDA et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1999-1066                                                        
          Application No. 08/756,440                                                  

          crosslinking-reaction with another silane’ in claims 21-24 is not           
          supported by the [original written description of the                       
          appellants’] specification” (supplemental examiner’s answer,                
          mailed September 10, 2002, page 5).                                         
               The test for determining compliance with the written                   
          description requirement is whether the disclosure of the                    
          application as originally filed reasonably conveys to the artisan           
          that the inventor had possession at that time of the later                  
          claimed subject matter, rather than the presence or absence of              
          literal support in the specification for the claim language.  In            
          re Kaslow, 707 F.2d 1366, 1375, 217 USPQ 1089, 1096 (Fed. Cir.              
               Our application of this test to the circumstances here under           
          consideration leads us to agree with the appellants that the                
          original specification disclosure (e.g., see especially the                 
          disclosure referred to by the appellants in their briefs which              
          appears on specification pages 17-18 and 28-29) would reasonably            
          convey to an artisan that the appellants had possession on their            
          application filing date of the claimed subject matter in                    
          question.  In her response to the appellants’ argument regarding            
          this rejection, the examiner makes the following unembellished              
          statement: “Applicant [sic] argues that support can be found on             


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