Ex Parte FUCHS et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2003-0421                                                        
          Application No. 09/508,793                                                  
               6. A hinge between a side piece and an end piece of a frame            
          for a pair of glasses, the side piece and the end piece being               
          parts made of wire, one of the wire parts being bent in the form            
          of a hairpin comprised of two branches connected by a crosspiece            
          and bearing a hinge body between the two branches, the hinge body           
          having an axis about which the other wire part may be pivoted,              
          and the hinge body defining a coaxial peripheral groove, and the            
          other wire part has an end bent eyelet having a peripheral                  
          opening, the eyelet elastically engaging the peripheral groove              
          and locking the hinge body in position, and the crosspiece                  
          gripping the outside of the eyelet.                                         
               The examiner has relied upon the following references as               
          evidence of obviousness:                                                    
          Nakanishi                    5,570,492          Nov. 5, 1996                
          Teichmann                    9417374            Jan. 5, 1995                
          (published German Gebrauchsmuster)1                                         
               Claims 6, 7 and 9 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as           
          unpatentable over Teichmann in view of Nakanishi (Answer, page              
          4).2  We affirm the examiner’s rejection essentially for the                
          reasons stated in the Answer and those reasons set forth below.             
               The examiner finds that Teichmann discloses a hinge between            
          a side piece 12 and an end piece 3 of a frame for a pair of                 
          glasses, with the side and end pieces made of wire, and side                
          piece 12 being bent in the form of a hairpin with two branches              
               1We rely upon and cite from a full English translation of              
          this document, previously made of record.                                   
               2We refer to the Answer dated Sep. 6, 2002, Paper No. 17.              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007