Ex Parte FUCHS et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2003-0421                                                        
          Application No. 09/508,793                                                  
          12, 12a connected by a crosspiece (Answer, page 4).  The examiner           
          further finds that the hinge body 8 is located between the two              
          branches, the hinge body having an axis about which the other               
          wire part may be pivoted, and the other wire part has an end bent           
          eyelet 6 having a peripheral opening with the crosspiece gripping           
          the outside of the eyelet (Answer, pages 4-5).  The examiner                
          recognizes that Teichmann fails to disclose a hinge body defining           
          a coaxial peripheral groove and an eyelet elastically engaging              
          the peripheral groove such as to lock the hinge body in position            
          (Answer, page 5).                                                           
               Therefore the examiner cites Nakanishi for the teaching of a           
          hinge body 6 defining a coaxial peripheral groove 7 and an eyelet           
          10 elastically engaging the peripheral groove to lock the hinge             
          body into position for the purpose of making a hinge for                    
          eyeglasses that requires no bolt (id.).  From these findings, the           
          examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to one having            
          ordinary skill in this art to include a hinge body defining a               
          coaxial peripheral groove and an eyelet elastically engaging the            
          peripheral groove and locking the hinge body in position as                 
          taught by Nakanishi for the hinge in the eyeglass frame of                  
          Teichmann for the purpose of making a hinge for eyeglasses that             
          requires no bolt (id.).  We agree.  Of course, if the hinge body            


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