Ex Parte FUCHS et al - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2003-0421                                                        
          Application No. 09/508,793                                                  
          and the groove.  See In re Spada, 911 F.2d 705, 708, 15 USPQ2d              
          1655, 1658 (Fed. Cir. 1990)(when the PTO shows sound basis for              
          believing that the products of the applicant and the prior art              
          are the same, the applicant has the burden of showing that they             
          are not); and In re Best, 562 F.2d 1252, 1255, 195 USPQ 430, 433            
          (CCPA 1977)(where the Patent Office has reason to believe that a            
          functional limitation asserted to be critical for establishing              
          novelty may, in fact, be an inherent characteristic of the prior            
          art, it possesses authority to require applicant to prove that              
          prior art does not possess this characteristic).  We note that              
          appellants have not disclosed any criticality to the type of                
          “thin wire” used in their hinge, nor have they disclosed any                
          treatment to produce a “thin wire” different than that of the               
          prior art.                                                                  
               For the foregoing reasons and those set forth in the Answer,           
          we determine that the examiner has established a prima facie case           
          of obviousness in view of the reference evidence.  Based on the             
          totality of the record, including due consideration of                      
          appellants’ arguments, we determine that the preponderance of               
          evidence weighs most heavily in favor of obviousness.                       
          Accordingly, we affirm the examiner’s rejection of claim 6, and             


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