Ex Parte FUCHS et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2003-0421                                                        
          Application No. 09/508,793                                                  
          is composed of a smaller number of parts and is simpler in                  
          structure, the eyeglass units can be manufactured more easily and           
          at a lower cost (Nakanishi, col. 2, l. 65-col. 3, l. 2).                    
               Appellants do not contest the examiner’s findings from                 
          Teichmann (Brief, page 8, first sentence).  However, appellants             
          argue that there is nothing in either reference to make it                  
          obvious to combine their teachings (Brief, page 7).  Appellants             
          argue that there is no reason for providing a peripheral groove             
          in the bolt to secure the eyelet axially, but that such a                   
          peripheral groove would only complicate the insertion of bolt 8             
          in the eyelet because the diameter of the bolt would have to                
          exceed the inner diameter of the eyelet (Brief, pages 7 and 9-              
               These arguments are not persuasive.  As correctly stated by            
          the examiner (Answer, pages 9-10), motivation for the combination           
          of references has been identified as providing a hinge for                  
          eyeglasses which does not need any hinge bolts (see Nakanishi,              
          abstract; col. 1, ll. 5-26; and col. 2, l. 65-col. 3, l. 2).                
          Furthermore, as explained by the examiner (Answer, page 10),                
          adding a peripheral groove to the hinge body of Teichmann would             
          not affect or complicate the insertion of the hinge body into the           


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