Ex Parte FUCHS et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2003-0421                                                        
          Application No. 09/508,793                                                  
          claims 7 and 9 which stand or fall with claim 6, under section              
          103(a) over Teichmann in view of Nakanishi.                                 
               No time period for taking any subsequent action in                     
          connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR                    
          § 1.136(a).                                                                 

                         Edward C. Kimlin            )                                
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                                                       ) BOARD OF PATENT              
                         Bradley R. Garris             )     APPEALS                  
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )       AND                    
                                                       )  INTERFERENCES               
                         Thomas A. Waltz               )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              



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