Ex Parte Birkmayer - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2003-1804                                                        
          Application No. 09/896,209                                                  
               Appellant further argues that “neither the Langsjoen patent            
          nor the Bioactive Nutrients website even mention NADH or NADPH,             
          they thus provide no teaching, suggestion nor [sic] motivation              
          for one of ordinary skill in the art to practice the method                 
          of the Birkmayer ’259 patent to alleviate effects of sleep                  
          deprivation and jet lag, or to enhance attentiveness and/or                 
          reaction time in an individual.” (Appeal Brief, page 10, third              
          full paragraph).  Bioactive Nutrients teaches that lack of                  
          L-Carnitine causes fatigue.  (Bioactive Nutrients).  Langsjoen              
          teaches that Q10 is used to alleviate fatigue and malaise.                  
          (Langsjoen, column 3, lines 1-3).  Birkmayer I and Birkmayer II             
          teach that NADH gives energy and alleviates fatigue.  It would              
          have been prima facie obvious to one skilled in the art at the              
          time the invention was made to combine compositions useful for              
          the same purpose to alleviate common symptoms.                              
               Finally, appellant argues that “the enhanced attentiveness             
          was not taught nor [sic] suggested in the prior art, and thus               
          the method of the present invention has lead to ‘surprising                 
          beneficial results.’”  (Appeal Brief, page 11, first paragraph).            
          The record suggests the opposite.  Birkmayer II teaches that NADH           
          “energizes both body and brain activity, improves alertness,                
          concentration, emotion, drive, hormone secretion and overall mood           
          enhancement.” (Birkmayer II, page 23, fourth paragraph).                    


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