Ex Parte Reinert - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2005-1835                                                                Page 2                
              Application No. 10/106,538                                                                                

                     The appellant's invention relates to an apparatus and method for testing load                      
              bearing capacity on a pile or group of piles, utilizing a reaction anchor apparatus and                   
              method (specification, p. 1).  A copy of the claims under appeal is set forth in the                      
              appendix to the appellant's brief.                                                                        

                     The rejections under appeal are as follows:1                                                       
              1.     Claims 1, 2, 4, 14, 15 and 17 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                     
              the Appellant's Admitted Prior Art (AAPA).2                                                               
              2.     Claims 3, 5 to 13, 16, 18, 19 and 21 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                                
              unpatentable over AAPA in view of U.S. Patent No. 4,974,9973 to Sero et al. (Sero).                       

                     Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and                      
              the appellant regarding the above-noted rejections, we make reference to the answer                       

                     1Since the rejection of claims 1-19 and 21 under the judicially created doctrine of                
              obviousness-type double patenting set forth in the final rejection was not set forth in the               
              examiner's answer we assume that this ground of rejection has been withdrawn by the                       
              examiner in view of the terminal disclaimed filed subsequent to the final rejection.  See                 
              Ex parte Emm, 118 USPQ 180, 181 (Bd. App. 1957).                                                          
                     2The AAPA is described on pages 3-4 and 9-12 of the specification and depicted                     
              in Figures 1 and 2 and relates to conventional testing apparatus and method for testing                   
              vertical piles, as shown in ASTM D1143-81 (reapproved 1987).                                              
                     3Issued December 4, 1990.                                                                          

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