Ex Parte Reinert - Page 10

              Appeal No. 2005-1835                                                               Page 10                
              Application No. 10/106,538                                                                                

                     The appellant argues (brief, pp. 13-14; reply brief, p. 2) that (1) Sero is directed               
              to foundations and nowhere teaches or suggests pile testing; and (2) there is no                          
              motivation to combine Sero with the AAPA.                                                                 

                     We find the appellant's argument unpersuasive since in applying the above-noted                    
              test for obviousness we conclude that it would have been obvious at the time the                          
              invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to have modified the                      
              AAPA by replacing the AAPA's two anchor piles 7 with an anchor device as suggested                        
              and taught by Sero.  The motivation for this modification of AAPA comes from the                          
              teachings of Sero.  Sero teaches that the setting of the anchor device requires augering                  
              a hole in the media followed by lowering of the device into the hole so that the device                   
              rests at the bottom of the hole.  Once the device is installed, the hydraulically actuated                
              motive means of his invention forces plates to swing outwardly in an arc to compact and                   
              consolidate the surrounding media.  Sero teaches (column 2, lines 24-29) that "[t]he                      
              preferred anchor or foundation device of this invention minimizes costs, eliminates the                   
              need of in-ground concrete, eliminates the need for costly deep drilling and media                        
              analysis, and estimates approximating the holding strength by providing an actual                         
              measurement of the structure's strength."  In our view, this teaching of Sero provides                    
              ample motivation to a person having ordinary skill in the art to have modified the AAPA                   
              by replacing the AAPA's two anchor piles 7 with an anchor device as taught by Sero.                       

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