Ex Parte Reinert - Page 5

              Appeal No. 2005-1835                                                                Page 5                
              Application No. 10/106,538                                                                                

              connecting rods are secured by a series of threaded nuts 10, threaded down against the                    
              plates 9.                                                                                                 

                     By the conventional method of the AAPA, a powerful, upwardly driven push is                        
              provided by the piston ram 4 of the hydraulic cylinder 2, as represented by an arrow 15.                  
              This upwardly driven push is exerted upon the I-beam 6, by means of the bearing plate                     
              5 which bears on the bottom flange of the I-beam.  The beam 6 is fixedly connected to                     
              the anchor piles 7 by means of the threaded nuts 10, tightened on the connecting rods                     
              8, against the plates 9.  As a result, the I-beam 6 cannot move up.  The forceful push of                 
              the piston ram 4 is effectively resisted by the anchor piles 7 because of the friction                    
              between the anchor piles 7 and the soil 17.  An equivalent forceful push therefore is                     
              exerted downwardly on the test plate 3 and, as a result, on the individual pile 1.                        

                     In our view, claim 1 reads on the AAPA as follows:                                                 
              A method of testing piles for load bearing capacity (the AAPA provides a method of                        
              testing piles for load bearing capacity), comprising:                                                     
              a. applying a static compressive force on a pile to be tested for load bearing capacity                   
              (the AAPA applies a static compressive force on the pile 1 being tested for load bearing                  

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