Ex Parte Reinert - Page 4

              Appeal No. 2005-1835                                                                Page 4                
              Application No. 10/106,538                                                                                

              Kimberly-Clark Corp., 713 F.2d 760, 772, 218 USPQ 781, 789 (Fed. Cir. 1983), cert.                        
              denied, 465 U.S. 1026 (1984), it is only necessary for the claims to "'read on' something                 
              disclosed in the reference, i.e., all limitations of the claim are found in the reference, or             
              'fully met' by it."                                                                                       

                     Claim 1 on appeal reads as follows:                                                                
                            A method of testing piles for load bearing capacity, comprising:                            
                            a. applying a static compressive force on a pile to be tested for load                      
                     bearing capacity;                                                                                  
                            b. applying an opposite reaction force on an I-beam;                                        
                            c. providing two reaction anchor assemblies on opposite sides of said pile;                 
                            d. bracing said I-beam by said two reaction anchor assemblies to hold                       
                     said I-beam stationary in counter-action against said opposite reaction force on                   
                     said I-beam.                                                                                       

                     Figure 1 of the AAPA depicts the conventional testing apparatus and method for                     
              testing a single pile 1 which has been driven into soil 17.  A pair of anchor piles 7 are                 
              also driven into soil at a distance at least seven feet away from or clear of pile 1.  A                  
              bottom flange of an I-beam 6 is set on top of a bearing plate 5 of a piston ram 4 of                      
              hydraulic cylinder 2.  The hydraulic cylinder 2 is set on a test plate 3, which is centered               
              on top of the pile 1.  The I-beam 6 is tied to the anchor piles by means of a series of                   
              connecting rods 8, a pair of plates 9 are placed on a top flange of the I-beam 6, and the                 

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