Ex Parte Short - Page 24

          Interference No. 105,188                                                    
          Short v. Punnonnen                                                          
          before the effective filing dates of both Punnonen’s involved               
          application and Short’s involved patent.                                    
               We conclude that the method defined by Claim 47 of                     
          Punnonen’s involved application prima facie would have been                 
   5      obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103 to a person having ordinary skill             
          in the art on the effective filing date of Punnonnen’s involved             
          application in view of the combined teachings of the Freeman PCT,           
          the Short PCT, and Stemmer.  Our conclusion newly emphasizes                
          Stemmer’s view of the knowledge, skill and state of the art at              
  10      the pertinent time.  We emphasize our view that the Freeman PCT             
          describes, and/or reasonably would have suggested, all aspects of           
          a method encompassed by Claim 47 of Punnonen’s involved                     
          application to persons having ordinary skill in the art but for             
          the limitation “whereby optimization is achieved by recursive               
  15      sequence recombination” (Claim 47, Paper No. 181, p. 18).                   
          However, as we have indicated above, we find in the Freeman PCT             
          suggestions to optimize the modulatory effect on an immune                  
          response sought by the methods taught in the Freeman PCT by use             
          of mutation procedures, including homologous recombination and              
  20      point or sequence mutations, followed by screening, recycling               
          and/or repeating the procedures for optimum results.  In light of           
          the knowledge and skill in the art at the pertinent time, as                
          evident from the disclosures of the Short PCT and Stemmer, the              

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