Ex Parte NAYLOR et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2006-0203                                                         
          Application No. 09/187,332                                                   

               Appellants’ invention is directed to simultaneous                       
          transmission of a fax and an electronic mail to an intended                  
          recipient by a fax machine.  According to Appellant, transferring            
          electronic mail and facsimiles is accomplished by a user who                 
          enters a facsimile telephone number and an electronic mail                   
          address corresponding to the same recipient.  The recipient                  
          information is stored in a memory associated with an actuator                
          which causes the transmission as initiated by the user activating            
          a control button or switch (specification, page 5).  An                      
          understanding of the invention can be derived from a reading of              
          exemplary independent claim 19, which is reproduced bellow:                  

               19. A method comprising:                                                
               receiving from a user a facsimile telephone number and an               
          electronic mail address of the same recipient, and storing the               
          number and address in a memory of a facsimile machine;                       
               converting a document provided by the user to the facsimile             
          machine into digital form;                                                   
               associating an actuator disposed on the facsimile machine to            
          locations in the memory which contain the facsimile telephone                
          number and the electronic mail address; and                                  


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Last modified: November 3, 2007