Ex Parte NAYLOR et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2006-0203                                                         
          Application No. 09/187,332                                                   

               transmitting the converted document to the facsimile                    
          telephone number and to the electronic mail address in response              
          to the same instance of the actuator being activated by the user.            
               The Examiner relies on the following prior art references:              

          Ho et al. (Ho)    5,805,298   Sep. 8, 1998                                   
          Fabbio et al. (Fabbio)  5,870,089   Feb. 9, 1999                             
                                                (filed Nov. 24, 1997)                  
               Claims 19-36 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                 
          being unpatentable over Ho and Fabbio.                                       
               We make reference to the answer (mailed June 16, 2004) for              
          the Examiner’s reasoning, and to the appeal brief (filed March               
          30, 2004) and the reply brief (filed August 19, 2004) for                    
          Appellants arguments thereagainst.                                           
               Appellants argue that merely because Ho allows sending a                
          document to one specific destination, either a remote facsimile              
          or an e-mail address, it would not have been obvious to send it              
          to both simultaneously (brief, page 6).  Appellants further point            
          out that relying on the software in the general purpose computer             
          of Fabbio for delivering a document to both a facsimile and a                
          printer would be a departure from the document transmission by a             
          stand alone facsimile (brief, page 7).  While conceding that                 

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