Ex Parte NAYLOR et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2006-0203                                                         
          Application No. 09/187,332                                                   

               From our review of Ho and Fabbio, we remain unpersuaded by              
          Appellants’ arguments that any error in the Examiner’s                       
          determination regarding the obviousness of the claimed subject               
          matter has occurred.  Both references are concerned with sending             
          an electronic file to different destinations.  Ho transmits the              
          scanned document to either a fax machine or an e-mail account                
          (col. 6, lines 24-27) if the destination is in the form of a                 
          telephone number or in the form of an electronic mail address,               
          respectively (col. 7, lines 6-17).  Fabbio, similarly sends a                
          document to multiple destinations such as an e-mail address and a            
          fax machine outside the network and a printer connected on the               
          local area network (col. 3, lines 6-12).  Although Fabbio does               
          not specifically identify the destinations as an e-mail address              
          and a fax machine belonging to the same recipient, such                      
          requirement, as argued by the Examiner, does not distinguish the             
          claimed subject matter over the applied art.  The common                     
          ownership of the destinations’ addresses or numbers is a non-                
          functional descriptive aspect of the claims that has no bearing              
          on receiving the destination addresses and transmitting the                  
          document to those destinations.  In other words, the same                    


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