Ex Parte NAYLOR et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2006-0203                                                         
          Application No. 09/187,332                                                   

          functions need to be performed whether the destinations belong to            
          the same recipient or different ones.  Thus, as stated by the                
          Examiner (answer, page 6), the advantages of creating an                     
          electronic package for sending a document to various types of                
          destinations without having to run separate software                         
          applications, as described by Fabbio (col. 2, lines 2-12 & 34-               
          37), would have motivated one of ordinary skill in the art to                
          modify the system of Ho to accept multiple destinations                      
          information in order to send a document to those multiple                    
               We also remain unconvinced by Appellants’ argument (brief,              
          page 8) that the delivery server 12 in Figure 2 of Fabbio may not            
          be used in place of the PSTN 106 in Figure 1 of Ho.  The                     
          combination does not require a substitution and instead takes the            
          suggestion by Fabbio that a document may be sent to multiple                 
          destination addresses when such is available.  For example, as               
          shown in Figure 3 of Ho, a determination as to whether the                   
          destination address relates to a fax machine or an e-mail is                 
          performed which causes the appropriate channel of remote                     


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