Ex Parte NAYLOR et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2006-0203                                                         
          Application No. 09/187,332                                                   

          Fabbio identifies different destinations for sending a digital               
          document, Appellants argue that there is nothing in the                      
          reference to suggest that these destinations be of the same                  
          recipient (id.).  Additionally, Appellants point out that the                
          combination is not reasonable since it requires replacing a                  
          public switched telephone network with the functionality of a                
          server and its associated software (brief, page 8).                          
          In response to Appellants’ arguments, the Examiner argues                    
          that although Ho sends either a fax or an e-mail, it is Fabbio               
          which teaches sending both at the same time (answer, page 6).                
          The Examiner further points out that since Fabbio provides for               
          the simple modification of sending a digitized document to more              
          than one destination “at the same time,” it would have been                  
          obvious to send the fax and the e-mail simultaneously to                     
          eliminate the need for multiple transmissions (id.).  The                    
          Examiner further identifies the claim term “of the same                      
          recipient” as a limitation that has neither any functionality nor            
          any structural impact on the process recited in claim 1 (id.).               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007