Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 73

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    disclosure that video information can be transmitted to the user terminal in a compressed format                       
          2    in order to increase the transmission capacity of the system (col. 19, ll. 50-54).  3d Action at 97;                   
          3    Final Action at 252.  In Pocock thus implemented, the video signals are transmitted in digital                         
          4    rather than analog form.  Pocock, col. 19, ll. 35-38.  Dr. Koopman's testimony that Pocock is                          
          5    "silent on the manner in which compression occurs and when it occurs,"  2d Koopman Decl.                               
          6    at 188, para. 406, is not understood.  Since the type of compression is not specified in claim 101,                    
          7    any manner of compression will suffice to satisfy the claim.  As for the timing of compression, it                     
          8    is clear that the compression described in column 19, lines 50-54 of Pocock occurs prior to                            
          9    transmission, which is necessarily prior to receipt of the compressed response by the user                             
         10    terminal.                                                                                                              
         11            For the reasons given above in the discussion of Walter, we are construing the term                            
         12    "asymmetric" in claim 101 to mean that the decompression technique requires a different amount                         
         13    (less) processing power that does the corresponding compression technique.  The examiner's                             
         14    reliance on the abstract of the '341 patent as an admission that all compression and inverse                           
         15    decompression techniques are inherently asymmetrical, 3d Action at 97; Final Action at 252, is                         
         16    unconvincing for the reasons given above in the discussion of Walter, as is the examiner's                             
         17    argument that the presentation system 10 and user terminal 14 inherently provide asymmetrical                          
         18    processing power and thus inherently employ asymmetrical compression and inverse                                       
         19    decompression techniques.  Answer at 208, para. 407.  The rejection of claim 101 for                                   
         20    anticipation by Pocock is therefore reversed.                                                                          
         21            Claim 102 repeats the preamble and paragraphs (a) to (d) of claim 93 and recites as                            
                                                            - 73 -                                                                    

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