Ex Parte Nolte et al - Page 12

               Appeal 2007-0563                                                                             
               Application 10/001,940                                                                       
           1   Montgomery teach a color value stored for each pixel in the display device is                
           2   not persuasive with respect to claims 11-36 and 38.                                          
           3          The rest of Applicants’ arguments are with respect to the combination                 
           4   of Iwamura and Montgomery.  Applicants argue that 1) there is no                             
           5   motivation to combine Iwamura with Montgomery and that 2) the z-                             
           6   buffering method used in Iwamura is not compatible with the item buffering                   
           7   method of Montgomery (FF 13-15).                                                             
           8          Applicants argue that the Examiner has provided no basis, e.g., no                    
           9   teaching, suggestion, or motivation (TSM) cited in either Montgomery or                      
          10   Iwamura to combine their teachings.  The Supreme Court, in KSR cautioned                     
          11   against applying the TSM test as a rigid rule limiting the obviousness                       
          12   inquiry (Id.).  A flexible approach should be taken.                                         
          13          In any event, here the Examiner did provide stated reasons for                        
          14   combining (FFs 11 and 12) and those statements are supported by the prior                    
          15   art of record.  One of ordinary skill at the time of the invention, recognized               
          16   the problem associated with traversing an entire list of graphic objects in                  
          17   response to a pick.  The process is slow and inefficient, especially when the                
          18   list contains many objects.  One of ordinary skill in the art knew at the time               
          19   of the invention that item buffering may be used to solve the traversing                     
          20   problem in both two dimensional and three dimensional systems (FFs 19-                       
          21   25). The record sufficiently supports the Examiner’s reasoning for                           
          22   combining Iwamura and Montgomery, and Applicants have failed to                              
          23   sufficiently demonstrate a flaw in that reasoning.                                           


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