Ex Parte Eidson et al - Page 3

             Appeal 2007-1098                                                                                 
             Application 10/026,059                                                                           
         1         3. The Examiner also does not define or explain the meaning of “thermal                    
         2   mass.”                                                                                           
         3         4. The specification discloses that the thermal mass of an electronic                      
         4   component is increased when a structure such as a metal or ceramic case is used                  
         5   (Specification 6: 13-25).                                                                        
         6         5. The specification distinguishes augmenting an electronic component                      
         7   with a metal or ceramic case to increase the component’s thermal mass, on the one                
         8   hand, from encasing the electronic component with a thermal insulator to isolate                 
         9   the component from ambient air flow and temperature, on the other hand                           
        10   (Specification 6: 13 through 7: 7; Figs. 2 and 3).  Both methods are said to reduce              
        11   thermal drift in the electronic component, but only the former, not the latter, is said          
        12   to increase the thermal mass of the electrical component.                                        
        13         6. Claims 1 and 15 are the only independent claims on appeal.  They                        
        14   read as follows:                                                                                 
        15                1.     A circuit, comprising:                                                       
        16                electronic component having an enclosure that protects the                          
        17         electronic component;                                                                      
        19                structure that surrounds the enclosure and that reduces a                           
        20         thermal drift of the electronic component by increasing a thermal                          
        21         mass of the electronic component.                                                          
        23                15.    A distributed system having a set of nodes, each node                        
        24         comprising:                                                                                
        26                local clock including a crystal component having an enclosure                       
        27         that protects the crystal component;                                                       
        29                structure that surrounds the enclosure and that reduces a                           
        30         thermal drift of the crystal component by increasing a thermal mass of                     
        31         the crystal component.                                                                     


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