Ex Parte Nixon et al - Page 2

               Appeal 2007-1355                                                                             
               Application 09/735,499                                                                       
                                            THE INVENTION                                                   
                      The disclosed invention relates generally to messaging systems that                   
               provide notification of various types of messages that are available to a user.              
               More particularly, the disclosed invention incorporates an application                       
               module that alerts and allows a user to quickly view notifications of new                    
               messages for which a notification has not been cleared (Specification 1, 6).                 
                      Independent claims 1 and 14 are illustrative:                                         
               1.   A messaging system having integrated therewith a message                                
                      notification means, said message notification means comprising:                       
                            memory means for storing message status information for                         
                      messages in said messaging system;                                                    
                            means for determining from the stored message status                            
                      information which messages in said messaging system are new and                       
                      for which a notification has not been cleared;                                        
                            a user interface for providing to a user a list of message                      
                      notifications associated with only those messages determined to be                    
                      new and for which a notification has not been cleared;                                
                            said message notification means permitting the user to select a                 
                      particular notification from said list for manipulation.                              
               14.   A method of enhancing a messaging system, said method                                  
                      comprising the steps of:                                                              
                            providing a message notification application integrated with a                  
                      messaging application of said messaging system;                                       
                            storing message status information for messages in said                         
                      messaging system;                                                                     


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Last modified: September 9, 2013