Ex Parte Nixon et al - Page 8

                Appeal 2007-1355                                                                            
                Application 09/735,499                                                                      
                invention.  In particular, we note that Helfman discloses “In one form of the               
                invention, a recipient of e-mail messages creates multiple mailboxes …”                     
                (col. 1, ll. 41-42, emphasis added). Therefore, we find that Helfman does                   
                not fairly disclose a “unified messaging system” in accordance with the                     
                plain meaning of the term “unified” and further consistent with Appellants’                 
                Specification. Accordingly, we reverse the Examiner’s rejection of claim 4                  
                as being anticipated by Helfman.                                                            

                                              Claims 5 and 6                                                
                      Because claims 5 and 6 each depend upon claim 4, we will also                         
                reverse the Examiner’s rejection of these claims for the same reasons                       
                discussed supra with respect to claim 4.                                                    

                                            Claims 3 and 9-11                                               
                      We consider next the Examiner’s rejection of dependent claims 3 and                   
                9-11 as being unpatentable over Helfman in view of Sylvan.  Since                           
                Appellants’ arguments with respect to this rejection have treated these                     
                claims as a single group which stand or fall together, we will select claim 3               
                as the representative claim for this rejection.  See 37 C.F.R.                              
                § 41.37(c)(1)(vii)(2004).                                                                   
                      Appellants argue that Sylvan does not overcome the deficiencies of                    
                Helfman, as previously argued (Br. 16).                                                     
                      In response, we find no deficiencies in Helfman except regarding the                  
                “unified messaging system,” as discussed supra with respect to claim 4.                     
                Because such “unified messaging system” is not recited in claims 3 and 9-                   


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