Ex Parte Nixon et al - Page 6

                Appeal 2007-1355                                                                            
                Application 09/735,499                                                                      
                anticipation.  Accordingly, we will sustain the Examiner’s rejection of                     
                representative claim 14 as being anticipated by Helfman.                                    
                      Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(vii), we have decided the appeal                  
                with respect to the remaining claims in this group on the basis of the selected             
                claim alone.  Therefore, we will sustain the Examiner’s rejection of claims                 
                1, 7, 8, 12, 13, and 15-20 as being anticipated by Helfman for the same                     
                reasons discussed supra with respect to representative claim 14.                            

                                                  Claim 2                                                   
                      We consider next the Examiner’s rejection of dependent claim 2 as                     
                being anticipated by Helfman.  We note that claim 2 recites: “A messaging                   
                system according to claim 1 wherein said manipulation consists of selecting                 
                a functionality associated with a plurality of options presented to the user.”              
                      Appellants argue that Helfman teaches a user interface displaying a                   
                list of mailboxes rather than a list of notifications.  Appellants further argue            
                that the portion of the reference cited by the Examiner merely discloses a                  
                description of steps in establishing a mailbox, rather than options presented               
                to a user for manipulating a message notification (Br. 12).                                 
                      After reviewing Helfman’s invention as shown in Fig. 3A, we find                      
                that Helfman’s mailboxes within “window 40” are part of the textual line                    
                corresponding to each message notification.  Thus, we find Helfman                          
                discloses a list of notifications in window 40 of Fig. 3A.  Because a user can              
                select and open a mailbox and read an unread e-mail message (and thus                       
                manipulate the message notification by clearing it to zero unread messages),                
                we find the weight of the evidence supports the Examiner’s position.                        


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