Appeal 2007-1415 Application 09/795,704 Examiner’s findings in the Final Rejection and Answer regarding an EGPRS stack (claim 10), CDMA stack (claims 33 and 34), and the functionality of the router and interoperability entity of Rydbeck previously discussed and its collective capability to route messages between Rydbeck’s user interface and circuit/packet technologies (claim 20). We find the Examiner has reasonably established a prima facie case of obviousness with respect to these claims which has not been persuasively rebutted. The Examiner’s rejection of claims 10, 20, 33, and 34 is therefore sustained. Likewise, we will sustain the Examiner’s rejection of claims 18 and 36 which fall with independent claims 10 and 33 respectively. DECISION We have sustained the Examiner's rejections with respect to all claims on appeal. Therefore, the Examiner’s decision rejecting claims 1, 4, 7, 10, 18, 20, 33, 34, and 36 is affirmed. No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv). 12Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013