Ex Parte Dennis et al - Page 11

               Appeal 2007-1942                                                                             
               Application 10/368,975                                                                       

                                    NEW GROUND OF REJECTION                                                 
                      We enter the following new ground of rejection under 35 U.S.C.                        
               § 103(a):                                                                                    
                      Claims 1, 5, and 6 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                     
               unpatentable over Sacks.  As explained above, Sacks differs from the                         
               claimed invention in that Sacks does not teach a pair of polyethylene layers                 
               symmetrically disposed about said central strand layer.   However, Sacks                     
               discloses that a polyethylene layer is useful for cushioning impact and                      
               “preventing injury to the skin of the body.”  (FF 15 and 16).                                
                      Therefore, the claimed invention does no more than add an additional                  
               layer of material which is known to protect a user from the impact of a bullet               
               by cushioning impact and preventing injury to the skin. Placing the                          
               polyethylene layers at any place within the structure of the claimed fabric,                 
               including “symmetrically” about the aramid central strand would have been                    
               obvious since the layers would provide additional protection to the user                     
               regardless of their placement.  In other words, the claimed fabric appears to                
               be a combination of known elements for their known purposes.  Nothing                        
               before us indicates that any unpredictable result has been achieved.  We                     
               conclude therefore, that the claimed invention would have been obvious to                    
               one having ordinary skill in the art who would have had reason to add the                    
               additional layer at any place within the material’s structure with the                       
               expectation that additional protection to the user would result.                             
                      There is no dispute on the record before us that hollow-point elongate                
               bullets were known and that one skilled in the art would have recognized                     
               that the material of Sacks would have been useful in collapsing such bullets                 


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