Ex Parte Albazz et al - Page 14

           Appeal 2007-2533                                                                        
           Application 09/972,434                                                                  

       1   the seller [imported from intermediate claim 2] in which the electronic file            
       2   comprises dynamic elements capable of being unilaterally altered by the seller or       
       3   buyer.                                                                                  
       4       The Examiner found that Frengut teaches that the electronic file has dynamic        
       5   elements and the product list filter is a dynamic element , but does not teach that     
       6   the dynamic elements are capable of being unilaterally altered by the seller or         
       7   buyer. To overcome this deficiency, the Examiner took Official Notice of the            
       8   notoriety for a seller or buyer to modify the elements in a profile. The Examiner       
       9   concluded that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill to incorporate       
       10  this feature into the invention of Frengut in order to allow the seller to adjust the   
       11  target audience of an advertisement, as suggested by Frengut (Answer 7: Third ¶).       
       12  The Examiner provided evidence to support this Official Notice with the                 
       13  Examiner’s Answer (Answer 10: Final ¶) after the Appellants traversed the Official      
       14  Notice (Appeal Br. 9: Third ¶).                                                         
       15      The Appellants contend that the Examiner has not established a nexus between        
       16  the proposed modification and the asserted benefit (Reply Br. 5, Final ¶).  We find     
       17  that the benefit of altering anything is evident on its face – it give the ability to   
       18  correct or alter data as appropriate.  Thus, the benefit of dynamic elements capable    
       19  of being unilaterally altered by the seller or buyer is in the ability to correct or alter
       20  those elements as appropriate, as for example, allowing Frengut’s seller to adjust      
       21  the target audience as the motivation found by the Examiner.  Therefore, we find        
       22  the Appellants’ argument unpersuasive.                                                  
       23      Thus, the Appellants have not sustained their burden of showing that the            
       24  Examiner erred in rejecting claims 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, and 20 under 35 U.S.C.      
       25  § 103(a) as unpatentable over Frengut and Official Notice.                              


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