Ex Parte Albazz et al - Page 6

           Appeal 2007-2533                                                                        
           Application 09/972,434                                                                  

       1          08. Frengut presents a custom web site in Fig. 1B that may include a user        
       2            home page 140, a features page 142, and services page 148. Pages               
       3            accessible from the features page may include the favorite merchants           
       4            page 144, favorite offers page 146, and favorite interests page 147. For       
       5            example, elected merchants 144 may be a selection of well known                
       6            retailers; special offers 146 may be discounts at particular retailers or on   
       7            certain services; and favorite interest 147 may be scores for select           
       8            spectator sports, stock prices, advance notice of traveling shows and          
       9            special programs at the public library.  These pages are pictorially shown     
       10           as layers, or tiers (Frengut, Fig. 1B).                                        
       11         09. Frengut provides users with a customized interface to a computer             
       12           network, such as the Internet, facilitating an electronic market for           
       13           products, services, and information, and provides advertisers with an          
       14           efficient marketing forum (Frengut, ¶ [0024]).                                 
       15         10. Frengut compiles information about each user in a user profile stored        
       16           in the user profile database.  Advertisers provide advertisements or           
       17           access to advertisements to be provided to select users (Frengut, ¶            
       18           [0025]).                                                                       
       19                             PRINCIPLES OF LAW                                            
       20      Claim Construction                                                                  
       21        During examination of a patent application, pending claims are given              
       22  their broadest reasonable construction consistent with the specification.  In           
       23  re Prater , 415 F.2d 1393, 1404-05, 162 USPQ 541, 550-551 (CCPA 1969);                  
       24  In re Am. Acad. of Sci. Tech Ctr., 367 F.3d 1359, 1364, 70 USPQ2d 1827,                 
       25  1834 (Fed. Cir. 2004).                                                                  


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