Philippe and Nadine Grelsamer - Page 68

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          the fair market value of a Sentinel EPE recycler in 1981 and 1982           
          was not in excess of $50,000.  Given those concessions, and the             
          fact that the records here plainly show that the overvaluation of           
          the recyclers was the underlying reason for the disallowance of             
          the claimed tax benefits, we conclude that the deficiencies were            
          attributable to overvaluation of the Sentinel EPE recyclers.                
               3.  Section 6659(e)                                                    
               Petitioners argue that respondent erroneously failed to                
          waive the section 6659 additions to tax.  Section 6659(e)                   
          authorizes respondent to waive all or part of the addition to tax           
          for valuation overstatements if taxpayers establish that there              
          was a reasonable basis for the adjusted bases or valuations                 
          claimed on the returns and that such claims were made in good               
          faith.  Respondent's refusal to waive a section 6659 addition to            
          tax is reviewable by this Court for abuse of discretion.  Krause            
          v. Commissioner, 99 T.C. at 179.  Abuse of discretion has been              
          found in situations where respondent's refusal to exercise her              
          discretion is arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable.  See                  
          Mailman v. Commissioner, 91 T.C. 1079 (1988); Estate of Gardner             
          v. Commissioner, 82 T.C. 989 (1984); Haught v. Commissioner, T.C.           
          Memo. 1993-58.                                                              
               We note initially that petitioners did not request                     
          respondent to waive the section 6659 additions to tax until well            
          after the trials of these cases.  Morgan made his request more              
          than 6 months after the trial of his case, and the Grelsamers               

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