Philippe and Nadine Grelsamer - Page 77

                                       - 77 -                                         
          the Miller cases, which petitioners declined when they failed to            
          accept the piggyback agreement offer, and the settlement offer              
          that petitioners also failed to accept.                                     
               Petitioners argue that section 6621(c) must have been an               
          issue in the Miller cases since each of the decisions in Miller             
          recites "That there is no increased interest due from the                   
          petitioner[s] for the taxable years [at issue] under the                    
          provisions of IRC section 6621(c)."  According to petitioners,              
          "if the Millers were not otherwise subject to the penalty                   
          interest provisions because of the particular timing of their tax           
          payments, there would have been no need for the Court to include            
          such a recital in its decisions."  This argument by petitioners             
          is entirely conjectural and is not supported by the documentation           
          on which counsel relies.  In fact, the recital that no increased            
          interest under section 6621(c) was due in the Miller cases was an           
          express term of the settlement documents in those cases and                 
          apparently included in the decisions for completeness and                   
          accuracy.  There is nothing on the record in the present cases,             
          or in the Court's opinions in Estate of Satin v. Commissioner,              
          T.C. Memo. 1994-435, or Fisher v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1994-            
          434, or in any of the material submitted to us in these cases               
          that would indicate that the Millers were "otherwise subject to             
          the penalty interest provisions".  Petitioners' argument is based           
          on a false premise.                                                         

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