Philippe and Nadine Grelsamer - Page 74

                                       - 74 -                                         
          claim to have accepted the offer timely, so they effectively                
          rejected it.  We discuss the background matters, apparently not             
          disputed by the parties, for the sake of completeness.  As we               
          have noted, granting petitioners' motions for leave would require           
          further proceedings.                                                        
               On or about February 1988, a settlement offer (the Plastics            
          Recycling project settlement offer or the offer) was made                   
          available by respondent in all docketed Plastics Recycling cases,           
          and subsequently in all nondocketed cases.  Baratelli v.                    
          Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1994-484.7  Pursuant to the offer,                 
          taxpayers had 30 days to accept the following terms:  (1)                   
          Allowance of a deduction for 50 percent of the amount of the cash           
          investment in the venture in the year(s) of investment to the               
          extent of loss claimed; (2) Government concession of the                    
          substantial understatement of tax penalties under section 6661              
          and the negligence additions to tax under section 6653(a)(1) and            
          (2); (3) taxpayer concession of the section 6659 addition to tax            
          for valuation overstatement and the increased rate of interest              
          under section 6621; and (4) execution of a closing agreement                
          (Form 906) stating the settlement and resolving the entire matter           
          for all years.  Petitioners assert that the Plastics Recycling              

          7    Although the records do not include a settlement offer to              
          petitioners, petitioners have attached to their motions for                 
          decision a copy of a settlement offer to another taxpayer with              
          respect to a plastics recycling case, and respondent has not                
          disputed the accuracy of the statement of the plastics recycling            
          settlement offer.                                                           

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