Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 75

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            Asheville, North Carolina, and Enid, Oklahoma.  NITCO had no                               
            interest in Dial One Mobile.  According to the application that                            
            Dial One USA filed with the IURC to sell long-distance services,                           
            NITCO had no interest in Dial One USA.  The Postal Service                                 
            investigation matter involved a seizure of NICATV's records from                           
            NICATV's business offices.  Accordingly, the legal expenses that                           
            NITCO incurred in the RSA #1, Dial One Mobile, Dial One USA,                               
            Sprint contract, and Postal Service investigation matters are not                          
            deductible under section 162.  United States v. Gilmore, supra;                            
            Kornhauser v. United States, supra.                                                        
                  Finally, petitioners have failed to establish that the legal                         
            expenses incurred in certain other unknown matters or proceedings                          
            arose in connection with or were proximately related to a                                  
            business activity of NITCO.  Therefore, the legal expenses that                            
            NITCO incurred in these unknown matters or proceedings are not                             
            deductible under section 162.  United States v. Gilmore, supra;                            
            Kornhauser v. United States, supra.                                                        
                  In conclusion, with respect to the legal expenses for which                          
            NITCO claimed 1987, 1988, and 1989 business deductions, we hold                            
            that only those legal expenses that respondent has conceded are                            
            deductible by NITCO under section 162.                                                     

                              III.  Constructive Dividend Income                                       

                  In the notice of deficiency issued to Mr. and Mrs. Mussman,                          
            respondent determined that certain payments made by NITCO                                  
            represented constructive dividend income to Mr. Mussman for 1988                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011