Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 65

                                               - 65 -                                                  
            residential customers.15  They further opined that it would be a                           
            number of years before it was economically justifiable for NITCO                           
            even to consider seriously investing in the technology to provide                          
            broadband switch services over fiber lines to its business and                             
            residential customers.  They noted that during 1987 through 1989,                          
            NITCO had few, if any, business customers who would demand such                            
                  Petitioners offered the expert witness opinion of Warren A.                          
            Liss.  Mr. Liss has extensive experience in the                                            
            telecommunications industry.  He has held a variety of management                          
            positions involving the design and development of telephone                                
            switching hardware and software, telephone networks, and                                   
            telecommunications services.  He worked for over 20 years at Bell                          
            Labs and then was employed as a director of advanced systems                               
            engineering at MCI Telecommunications.  Since 1987, he has worked                          
            as a consultant to various local, long distance, and                                       
            international telephone service companies.                                                 
                  Mr. Liss was of the opinion that the wideband switch                                 
            services now currently offered to certain businesses, hospitals,                           
            schools, and other institutions, would inevitably migrate to                               
            residential applications.  He noted that the FCC's recent "Video                           

            15According to Drs. Jackson and Rohlfs, during 1987 through                                
            1989, experts in their field were predicting that, in the                                  
            telephone service industry as a whole, by the end of the century                           
            there would be a 10-to-20 percent penetration of fiber optic                               
            technology into the "copper loop" that connects customers to                               
            telephone company networks.                                                                

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